Our Friendly Staff

Our Legal Assistants Legal Assistants Alida and Michelle coordinate our front desk customer services, document intake, preparation, and billing. Alida (Allie) Hoskins Allie graduated from Cornerstone University with a BA in History and Linguistics. When not at work she enjoys reading and hiking with friends. Michelle Arehart Michelle has 15+ years of administrative and office … Continue reading “Our Friendly Staff”

Asset Protection Trusts

Asset Protection Trusts Who should consider a Domestic Asset Protection Trust? Michigan Law now allows a person to create a trust that is protected from creditors. If you have 1) potential creditor exposure 2) assets that you are willing to give away and give up control over and 3) you have assets that are potentially … Continue reading “Asset Protection Trusts”

Wrongful death; auto, truck, and motorcycle accident; personal injury; and work related accidents

Wrongful Death and Personal Injury Cases I have collaborated with a larger law firm that has the resources to provide you with the representation that you deserve for any case that involves a wrongful death, auto and truck accident, closed head injury, dog bite cases, motorcycle accidents, general personal injury, plaintiff’s product liability, and work … Continue reading “Wrongful death; auto, truck, and motorcycle accident; personal injury; and work related accidents”


Services Areas of Practice Byrne Law office practices in the following areas, click one for more details. WILLS & TRUSTS SMALL BUSINESS PROBATE AND TRUST ADMINISTRATION GUARDIANSHIPS AND CONSERVATORSHIPS MEDICAID NURSING HOME PLANNING